Conceived amidst the challenges of a global pandemic, the "Universal Love" series embodies a profound quest for interconnectedness and solidarity among humanity. In the face of unprecedented adversity, it became evident that a shared sense of compassion and unity could transcend all barriers, binding us together in a common experience.

Central to this collection are the recurring motifs of circles, which serve as potent symbols of eternal oneness and the interconnected web of energy that unites us. Reflecting the inherent unity of all beings, these circles evoke a sense of security found within community and the collective strength that arises from unity. They eloquently convey the notion that while individuals may be countless, the essence of humanity remains singular—a reminder of our intrinsic interconnectedness and the universal love that binds us all.


7 products

The painting "Rise Up" by Kate Mayer, featuring fluid black, gold, and pink brushstrokes on a light pink background and set in a gold circle frame, captures the elegance and dynamic movement of the artwork perfectly.The "Rise Up" painting by Kate Mayer features a central gold circle accented by bold black and white brushstrokes, perfectly mounted on a wall above a minimalist wooden shelf. This piece embodies modern elegance, effortlessly enhancing any living space.
Rise Up Sale priceFrom £95.00 GBP
Oceans of Love" by Kate Mayer is an abstract painting featuring swirling black, white, and gold patterns that form a circular design on a square canvas, capturing depth and fluidity through its mesmerizing movement.The "Oceans of Love" abstract painting by Kate Mayer showcases a textured swirl of blue and white, with a central circle resembling a wax seal engraved with the word "LOVE.
Oceans of Love Sale price£850.00 GBP
The One Love - Original Painting by Kate Mayer showcases swirling blue and white patterns with a gold outer ring against a black background, perfectly capturing the essence of unity and love.The One Love print by Kate Mayer showcases an abstract art piece of concentric circles, featuring blue and white swirls encircled by a golden outer ring against a black background.
One Love - Original Painting Sale price£850.00 GBP
The "Love Sublime" by Kate Mayer is an enchanting abstract circular piece that displays swirling patterns of black, white, pink, and gold. It highlights a lustrous gold center set against a deep black background, emanating an air of elegance and allure.The luxurious 'Love Sublime' cream sofa by Kate Mayer rests beneath a captivating abstract painting that showcases swirling gold, pink, and blue hues on a black canvas, crafting an elegant and modern living space.
Love Sublime Sale priceFrom £95.00 GBP
Oceans Of Love by Kate Mayer is an abstract painting featuring a swirling circle with blue, white, and gold hues set against a black background, evoking a sense of mystery and elegance.The "Oceans Of Love" painting by Kate Mayer, featuring an abstract swirl of black, white, and gold hues, adorns a wooden dresser in a minimalist room setting, infusing the space with artistic elegance and enhancing its serene atmosphere.
Oceans Of Love Sale priceFrom £95.00 GBP
The One Love by Kate Mayer is an abstract painting featuring blue and white swirls at its center, surrounded by a gold ring against a black background. This vibrant art piece exudes an enchanting energy, making it a perfect addition to any space.A minimalist living room with a beige couch and a large framed abstract artwork titled "One Love" by Kate Mayer, featuring concentric circles in vibrant colors on the wall above.
One Love Sale priceFrom £95.00 GBP
The "Universal Love" painting by Kate Mayer is a circular abstract masterpiece featuring concentric layers in shades of blue, white, gold, and black. This captivating artwork resembles a mesmerizing vortex or spiral and evokes a profound sense of movement and depth.Kate Mayer's "Universal Love" abstract wall art, featuring circular patterns in a square form, hangs above the wooden dresser. A lamp and a potted plant thoughtfully flank the dresser.
Universal Love Sale priceFrom £95.00 GBP